2025 Saint Demetrios Auction
Saturday, May 17, 2025

St Demetrios Auction FAQs

Q. How can I help?

St Demetrios community members can donate an item for the basket raffle, donate a dessert for the dessert dash, donate funds to help underwrite the auction and/or volunteer. Most of all, please come to the auction and feel free to bring family or friends to this grown-ups night out!

Q. What is the auction and why do we have one each year?

The auction allows us to get together as a community and have fun while raising funds for St Demetrios, her ministries and the Boyer Children's Clinic. Our parish relies on the funds from the auction to balance our church's budget and to help others.

Q. What time does the auction start?

Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and you can start participating in the silent auction and basket raffle, and mingling with new and old friends as soon as you arrive!

Q. What do I wear?

It is a dressy night out, but be sure to wear your dancing shoes.

Q. Where do I sit?

All seats are reserved. If you have already agreed to be seated at a table with a table captain, you will have a seat reserved the captain's table.  If you registered with a ticket sale, we will reserve your spot with names you provide or with others looking to make new friends.

Q. Are you accepting walk-ins?

We are anticipating to sell every seat before the auction.  Registration will close Monday May 1st.  Any remaining seats will be available first come, first served the night of the auction. 

Q. Should we have dinner before we come?

Appetizers and dinner are included in the price of your ticket. We have a magnificent dinner planned. Complimentary wine is offered during the social hour and silent auction e. There will be a no-host bar with beer and wine available for purchase during dinner, live auction and dancing.  

Q. What about dessert?

That's where the Dessert Dash comes in! Businesses and individuals will donate enough desserts so that we’ll have one per table. Everyone seated at your table will write down the amount they wish to donate on the Dessert Dash sheet.  Sheets will be tallied and a rep from each table will pick a dessert with the highest total first!

Q. What is the format for the evening of the auction?

Upon arrival, guests check-in at registration to receive their bid numbers. The social hour includes the Basket Raffle, best of Live Raffle, and music will be available while you enjoy drinks and appetizers. Once you are seated for dinner, the live auction will begin. Music and dancing will follow the live auction. 

Q. How do I bid on items in the live auction?
During the live auction, bidders raise their bid numbers to have their bid for the desired item recognized by the auctioneer. And the highest bidder wins!

Q. Do I have to buy anything?
We sure hope you will! You can buy raffle tickets, and play action games like "Heads or Tails" to win cash.   One of the highlights of the night is the "Fund-A-Need" which happens about mid-way through the live auction.  Be ready for a compelling ask to benefit St Demetrios after which the auctioneer will call out dollar amounts for donations.  Choose the amount you'd like to donate. 

Q. When should I tell the Grandparents or kid sitter we’ll be home?

Auction festivities are typically over by 9:30 p.m., but if you can — stay later for the after party with music and dancing with new and old friends for a full night of kefi! Music and dancing are scheduled to end at midnight!

Please contact auction co-chairs Brian Koceski, Eirene Bekris, and Alexandra Flugstad s at auction@saintdemetrios.com